
2023 Fall Split Week 2 Power Rankings

The adrenaline-fueled journey of the 2023 Fall Split in the world of Swag Life continues, and with each passing week, the competition grows fiercer. As we venture into Week 2, the stakes are higher than ever, and the excitement is palpable. In this article, we embark on a deep dive into the heart of the action by revealing the eagerly awaited power rankings for Week 2 of the 2023 Fall Split. Here, we dissect the current standings of elite teams, dissect their recent performances, and provide a detailed look at who's climbing the ladder of success and who's encountering obstacles on their path to glory. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of competitive gaming and unveil the ranking shifts and surprises that have emerged in the second week of this thrilling split. Let's plunge into the pulse-pounding world of Swag Life once more!

1. Glacial Valkryie +6

Glacial made me look very dumb putting them so low in the preseason power rankings with two strong wins to start the season. (one vs my team sad face) From playing vs this team and watching their first game on stream they had no real weakness which is very scary and one of the major reason I had them moved up the most in this power ranking and on top of every other team. I think it was not luck they won so easy vs teams but this next week will be the true test vs some teams in RAWR and UMASS who could surprise teams. ple champs!

2. HSGB +4

In my defense if I know the full roster this team would not have been so low at 6 to start and they proved why going 2-0 on the season to start just like Glacial Valkryie. These two teams seem to be the teams that will be chased on top with everyone giving them their best shots each week. Their games were clean and crisp and they are not far behind Glacial. I look forward to seeing these two top teams play to see who is the real number one team.

3. Bloom Lilly -1

There might still be some bias here but the performance they put up was a strong one this last week with a new top laner who looked like he can be a rock in top lane as he jells with the team more through the weeks. One thing still stands for this team which is if they get behind early do they have answers and so far from week one they didn’t when they got behind to a strong team in Glacial. This next week should be a good week to right the ship in a sense and get back to the game they love to play vs Vegan Chickens and DA Obsidian!

4. Vegan Chickens

I see Vegan Chickens and UMass as two teams that are very close in skill but the reason I put Vegan Chickens ahead is due to the fact they did better vs a top 2 team which shows me their mentals are strong and they can hang in there with the top teams. This next week they could shake up the power rankings with games vs Bloom Lilly and RAWR. This team plays around their support and if he can get his engage supports and make a impact on the map I could see the upset on Bloom Lilly. No matter what happens this next week I think this team can hang in the middle of the pack and keep this league interesting!

5. UMass Amherst -2

UMass is next up on my list with the only reason they fell behind Bloom being that we didn’t get to see much of them and what we saw was not the best game out of them vs a strong team in HSGB. That being said that was the only game I could take info from for this power rankings. Their jungler will be a interesting player to keep your eye on as they did their best to keep their team in the game but the power in middle for HSGB was just too much to overcome.

6. Rawr Reapers -5

This team is hard to rank as they do not have any games to look at to judge that I could find in the league. That being said they do have a solid roster on paper but that doesn’t always mean a solid team in the end. I am looking forward to seeing how some of their first games go to see if they fly up this list or if they fall to the bottom on their heads. Also they have a sweet logo so I hope they do good so I can see that on the stream more! e. Both players look to have strong games in their and good stats. The question will be can those players prove they are better than their elo!

7. Baked Roasted Grilled

This is a team that I got to see first hand as we played them in week 1. I think they have good drafts but they don’t work the best as a team right now. This is a team that if they can become more proactive and less reactive they could climb this list but till they do I see them as a bottom tier team fight to stay ahead of DA obsidian and maybe sneaking out a few wins on the season. If they want to turn this season into success their team is going to have the count on the jungle and mid combo which at times showed they can do it but just need to see it all the time.

8. DA Obsidian -3

This one pains me to put them here as I know a lot of the players on this team and had much higher hopes for them as a team. The biggest question mark on this team is who is going to be their mid from week to week I heard. (inside source) If what I heard I can’t rank them any where else than last since mid is one of the most important roles in the game and switching people in and out of that role leaves the team without a leader who can pull the games together or be that star player every game. Their adc is the bright spot on this team as he is one of the better adc’s within the league and could become number one by the end of the season.

Week 1 showed how bad I was at ranking teams and thank you teams for making me look stupid. (Glacial and HSGB) two teams I placed in lower half who are my 1 and 2 now. That is the part of the league love that any team can go off and prove all of us wrong with just one week. I look forward to some more great games and let’s get that banter going but in a friendly way 😉

Coming Soon!

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