
2023 Fall Split Week 4 Power Rankings

1. Glacial Valkryie

Glacial proved they are the sole number 1 team with their win against HSGB. This team looks unstoppable on their way to a perfect first round against all the teams in the league. Going into the second round of playing all the teams I do not see them dropping a game again and going with the perfect record unless they troll for fun once they have the first seed locked down. This team is one that plays together so well and their mid and jungle combos are making it almost impossible for an enemy jungler to have any impact on the game. HSGB could come back around and get the dub on the second game but besides them good luck to other teams when they play this team.


This team is still a top 2 two easy. They did have a roster shake up but looked strong even after that. Their only loss being to the top team in the league shows how strong they are. As they would say I jinxed them I guess that’s just because she is an op champ now so I had to. (dad jokes on point) This team should stay in the top 2 as they face all the teams in the league again. They did show some weakness in their lose but they will still be a hard to take advantage of.

3.RAWR Reapers

This is a team that has come on strong after some weak first couple of games to start the league. They are pushing towards that top 3 spot and I have to put them above Vegan Chickens after the strong week they had and the not so strong week by Vegan Chickens. The strength of this team is in their bot lane and they know how to spread it to the rest of the map fast once they get it. This team has shown spots where teams can start to take advantage of their plays as they show their hands fast but have shown the skill to cover it even when you know what they are going to do.

4.Vegan Chickens

Vegan Chickens showed they can be beat by any team as UMASS took them down this week. This is the reason why they are out of the top 3 in my book. I do think bad games can happen. My team having more than I want to share in this season so far. That being said they need to put the game behind them and keep going and it looks like they did that with that lose being their only one last week. I would say this week showed there is 4 teams in the top 4 with the rest fighting for the last two playoff spots and this is one of those 4 strong teams.

5. DA Obsidian

The next level of teams start with DA as they have shown they can push teams to get wins but when it comes down to it against the top teams they cant pull the wins off. I do agree still that their team play can push them over this bottom 4 but they need to show it vs the top teams before they will do anymore climbing on this list. Again also no one knows what mid is going to play each week which leaves one of the biggest roles on the team a question mark. If they can lock down a mid who can play every week this team could be very scary.

6. Bloom Lilly

I may be counting the game they already played this week in the ratings but they finally showed promise that they showed in the first week of the season. They also got their first win with the new top of the season and a well deserved one for him as he has been the rock up in top with no luck of wins coming from it till now. This team could go anyway from 3rd to 8th of this list and a big question mark for that being you don’t know which version of the Peekaboo/Lexar bot you are going to get every game. If they can keep playing as they did vs UMASS this team is heading in the right direction. If they can’t this team will be out of the playoffs with little chance to make it in the top 4.

7. Baked Roasted Grilled

Still love the logo every time I see it! This team is one that is looking like they are happy to just be here. The question for them is that enough or are they going to show some fight. They have a win so they showed they can get those wins but can they do it vs the teams above them. That’s something they have still not shown they can do and they are running out of time.

8. UMass Amherst

UMass is next up on my list being 1-6. They did gain a lot of points in my book for taking down Vegan Chickens. That is a solid team to beat and a tough one and showed if they can put it all together they have some magic left. The reason I have them as low as they have is once they lose a lead they seem to just wait for plays to happen and play reactive instead of trying to fight their way back into the game. This leaves little chance for growth within their games and not much room for improvement. They all seem like great people and fun to talk to but as they say nice guys finish last sadly. Just look at RAWR they are at the top and no comment past that 😉

Week 3 and part of week 4 for Bloom Lilly and UMASS 😉 showed that the top 3-4 teams are solid and I don’t see them changing unless growth happens big time for these teams below them. It also showed that any team in the 5-8 section can beat each other but till they show promise vs the top 4 they will be fighting against each other for the 1-2 wins in the season they will get. Also congrats to Glacial for proving they are the sole top team and the team to beat moving forward the rest of the season!

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