
2023 Fall Split Week 5 Power Rankings

1. Glacial Valkyrie

Zero surprises here with the number 1 team destroying the league without signs of slowing down. The question is, can the up and coming team in RAWR make them take their first loss of the season when they play. RAWR and HSGB are the only two teams I see pulling off an upset vs this team unless they want to throw some of us bottom teams a bone in the end out of love. No matter what, this team should be the clear number 1 seed and sweep the teams the second time around again.

2. RAWR Reapers +1

This team has shown since they got their jungler back they are a top 2 team and show no signs of slowing down. This rise to the top shows how impactful he is for the team and how much he means to the team. The only weak point I see in this team is their support but even that is hard to call it a weak point and it wouldn’t surprise me if they pulled off an upset on Glacial. That is a tall task to ask but if any team can do it RAWR would be the team to do it now.

3. HSGB -1

This team has fallen off a little since some roster changes, but they are no team to take lightly. They still are a top 3 team and I believe that won’t change in the second half of the season. The question for them now is can they find that flow they had in the first half with the new roster. If they can do that, they will be a top 2 or 3 seed come playoff time.

4. Vegan Chickens

Vegan Chickens love to keep me guessing some games I think they are gods and other games I have no idea what is going on. That is the reason I think they are outside the top 3 teams. If they can start to show those god moments on repeat, they can be a top 3 but till I see that I cannot put them in that top 3 but top 4 is not bad at all. (Wish my team was here lol)

5. Bloom Lilly +1

Bloom Lilly when they are on, they are on but when they are off, they can make me want to pull my eyes out. A lot of eyes have been lost this season sadly. The reason I put them above the rest of the 2-5 teams is because I think their ceiling is the highest of all the teams and the floor is about the same for the rest of the teams below them. If they can fix their team flow and get the communication down, they can crack that top 4 but this next week vs some great teams will be very telling of how the rest of the season will go.

6. DA Obsidian -1

I love this team, but the same question happens week in and week out of which team are you going to get and what mid are you going to get. Once that gets figured out, they will be rocking up that list but till then they will just have to be a middle of the pack team. In the end I still stand by the teammate of this team is the best of the 2-5 teams and that is their calling card to bring themselves to playoffs. Again, hope the best for this team!

7. Baked Roasted Grilled

Lets make this logo the new logo for swag but for real this team is a solid team just with some question marks. They proved they can beat some of the lower teams but haven’t proved they can hang with the higher up teams once they do that the logo and skill will match 😉. Not much to write home on this team though but we play them soon and if they beat us, they could be going up this list easy!

8. UMass Amherst

UMass is next up on my list being 1-7. This team has fun and is looking better every game but cannot close games. That is a big reason I have them at the bottom. They know how to keep the games close and be in almost every game they play. Once they learn how to close them out, they could be a top 4 team. The question is can they figure it out soon before their playoff chances are too far out of reach.

This last week showed there may be a turning in the top 3 teams with RAWR looking like they have the talent and skill to maybe take the first win vs the top team in Glacial. They tried their first time around, but this is a very different team now. For the rest of the teams the bottom teams are just looking for one team to separate itself from the rest and this could be the week where we see one of the 4 teams do it finally!

Coming Soon!

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