Swag Life Series Rules

Rules For Teams Participating In The SLS

Introduction and Purpose

All rules within the Swag Life Series Rule Book pertain to every team participating in the League. This includes but is not limited to players, captains, coaches, owners, or other employees of the organization.

These rules only apply to official Swag Life Series play and do not pertain to other competitions, tournaments, or organized play of League of Legends.

The Swag Life Series Rule Book contains rules to ensure that the Swag Life Series is not only fun to participate in but fair and maintains competitive integrity.

This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Riot Games, Inc. or League of Legends Esports

Reporting a Problem

1.1 How to Report a Problem

If you believe a rule is being broken or need help, you can contact a SLS Admin.
They will work with you to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

📱 Text*

🤖 Discord

Direct message a SLS Admin in the Swag Life Series Discord

📧 Email*

1.2 Resolving a Problem

  • 1. If applicable, notify opposing team.
  • 2. Contact a SLS Admin
  • 3. Once the SLS Admin has made a ruling, the total time taken to resolve the problem will be tracked towards either the team that broke a rule or the team that submitted the ticket if no rule was broken.
  • 4. Once a problem is resolved, the SLS Admin will call for the game to be unpaused, the game to be started, or a restart of the lobby.

In Lobby

  • Notify the opposing team that you are contacting a SLS Admin.
  • Describe the reason for doing so.
  • Do Not Start the game until the problem is resolved.

In Game

  • Pause the game.
  • Notify the opposing team that you are contacting a SLS Admin.
  • Describe the reason for doing so.

Series Structure

2.2 Regular Season Format

  • 2.1.1 The Swag Life Series regular season is played as a series of best of one (Bo1) matchups with teams across the league.
  • 2.1.2 Over a 7 week period each team will play two best of one (Bo1) matches a week, for a total of up to 14 matches (with the possibility of a bye).

2.2 Playoffs Format

  • 2.2.1 The Swag Life Series Playoffs will consist of the top teams from each Division in a single elimination bracket.
  • 2.2.2 All rounds will be best of three (Bo3) except for the 3rd Place Match and Finals which will be best of five (Bo5).

2.3 Standings

  • 2.3.1 Standings are based off of team's record.
  • 2.3.2 In the in the event of a tie between two teams record at the end of the regular season:
    • The teams head to head record will be assessed.
    • If the previous test did not break the tie, the team that won their games quickest against the other team in question will win the tie breaker.
    • If the previous test did not break the tie, the team that won their games with the most kills against the other team in question will win the tie breaker.
    • If the previous test did not break the tie, the team that won their games with the most gold against the other team in question will win the tie breaker.
    • If the previous test did not break the tie, an SLS admin will determine the tie break based on other stats.

2.4 Forfeits

  • 2.4.1 If a team forfeits 3 games in a single season they will be removed from the Swag Life Series without refund.

2.5 Team Captains

  • 2.5.1 Each team requires one Head Captain and has the option of having one Assistant Captain.
  • 2.5.2 Captains are allowed to be players on the team's roster.
  • 2.5.3 Both Head and Assistant Captains must be members of the official Swag Life Series Discord.
  • 2.5.4 Team Captains are the only individuals allowed to make any changes to their team/roster.
  • 2.5.5 Any requests made by other members of the team/organization may not be answered.
  • 2.5.6 Team Captains are expected to respond in a timely manner to both SLS Admins and other team’s Team Captains. Failure to do so, could result in punishment.

2.6 Discord

  • 2.6.1 All members of teams participating in the Swag Life Series must be members of the official Swag Life Series Discord.
  • 2.6.2 Their discord nickname must not be explicit in any way.

Player Eligibility

3.1 Player Ranks

  • 3.1.1 The Swag Life Series utilizes a point system to balance teams.
    • Divisional Requirements
      Division Starting Points Growth Points Max Rank Exception
      Rookie 135 165 Emerald III - 99LP 1 Emerald II - 99LP
      Semi-Pro 220 266 Diamond I - 99LP 1 Masters - 200LP
      Pro 300 360 Grand Master - 200LP 1 Challenger - 200LP
      • Starting Points - The point cap as of the start date of the split. Player's peak rank between the current and past split will be used and this cap cannot be exceed throughout the split.
      • Growth Points - The point cap after the start date of the split.
      • Max Rank - The max rank of eligible players.
      • Exception - Teams are allowed 1 player above the Max Rank within this rank. This is the highest rank any player may reach throughout the entire split.
    • Player Points
      Rank Points
      Iron/Bronze 5
      Silver 10
      Gold 15
      Platinum 20
      Emerald 30
      Diamond 40
      Master 50
      Grand Master 65
      Challenger 80
      Division Points
      IV 0
      III 1 (2 for Platinum+)
      II 2 (4 for Platinum+)
      I 3 (6 for Platinum+)

      Roster Point Calculator

      Division Rank Points
      Total Roster Points:

      • 3.1.2 The Swag Life Series will be using the current season’s ranks during the application process.
      • 3.1.3 Every member of the applying team must have a minimum of 75 solo/duo games played in the current season.
        • Players must also be considered active, having at least 10 solo/duo games played within the past 2 weeks.
        • If the current season has just begun, players previous season’s stats will be assessed.
        • Players must be at a minimum level 150.
      • 3.1.4 Players are allowed to continue to rank up within reason.
        • If a player is ranking up faster than deemed normal by an SLS Admin, it could result in punishment.

3.2 Name Changes

  • 3.2.1 Our system automatically detects and updates players name changes on a set schedule so no action is needed when changing your summoner name.
  • 3.2.2 If one believes a player has changed their name and the system has not automatically detected it, a Team Captain can notify a SLS Admin.

3.3 Roster Representation

  • 3.3.1 A team’s roster must include 5 players and up to 5 subs.
    • Players can swap between the main roster and sub roster unlimited times throughout the regular season.
    • These 10 players may be changed with no penalty through the 3rd week.
  • 3.3.2 A Team Captain must verify the 5 player roster within 24 hours of their scheduled match.
  • 3.3.3 The team’s rosters will be locked 24 hours before their regular season scheduled matches.
    • If an individual that is not on the locked roster plays in a game, it will be considered a forfeit and their respective team will lose a ban in their next game.
  • 3.3.4 Teams rosters will be locked throughout all playoffs, starting as of the final regular split week.
  • 3.3.5 Each team is allowed 2 emergency substitutes (esub) throughout the regular season.
    • Any emergency substitutes must be verified in the Discord Server.
    • Their rank must not exceed their team's average rank.

Series Rules and Regulations

4.1 Rescheduling

  • 4.1.1 Games are meant to be played on official Swag Life Series game days but we allow teams the option to reschedule games if needed.
  • 4.1.2 Team’s rosters will be locked 24 hours before their regular season scheduled matches.
    • The Rescheduling Form must be filled out by both teams Captains.
    • If both teams agree to reschedule and it is within 24 hours of their scheduled game, a SLS Admin can be contacted and may allow the schedule change.
  • 4.1.3 The Rescheduling Form must be filled out by both teams.
  • 4.1.4 If teams choose to reschedule a match that is to be streamed by the Swag Life Series, they may be punished at the discretion of a SLS Admin. Punishments could include but are not limited to:
    • A loss bans in future games.
    • A loss of future games being streamed by the Swag Life Series.
    • A loss of up to 10% of any winnings gained during playoffs.
  • 4.1.5 If a rescheduled match is not reported with the Rescheduling Form, it will be played at the officially scheduled time.
  • 4.1.6 If a Team Captain is unresponsive when trying to reschedule a match, notify a SLS Admin and they will help resolve the issue.
    • If teams cannot agree to a set time/date the match will be recorded as a forfeit for the team that asked for the reschedule.
    • At the discretion of a SLS Admin, they may choose a date for the game to be remade if both teams can not come to an agreement.
  • 4.1.7 All rescheduled games must be played within 7 days of playoffs.
    • Failure to do so will be recorded as a loss for both teams.

4.2 Pre-Game Setup

  • 4.2.1 5 members of each team’s locked-in roster must be present in the lobby by their official or rescheduled starting time.
  • 4.2.2 Unprepared teams will accrue penalties if all members are not present:
    • At 5 minutes that a full valid roster is not in the lobby, the team will lose their first ban.
    • At 10 minutes that a full valid roster is not in the lobby, the team will lose their first 2 bans.
    • At 15 minutes that a full valid roster is not in the lobby, the team will lose their last 3 bans.
    • At 20 minutes that a full valid roster is not in the lobby, the team will forfeit their first game.
    • After 30 minutes of a team not being in the lobby, they will forfeit the entire series.
    • A screenshot of the lobby is required by the Team Captain if their opponent does not show up to their game or is late to the lobby.

4.3 Lobby Setup

  • 4.3.1 We will provide you with a tournament code for each of your matches.
  • 4.3.2 If the provided tournament code does not work, please notify a SLS Admin.
    • Using these specific codes are pivotal to our system, and bypassing them for any reason may result in punishment at the discretion of an SLS Admin.
  • 4.3.3 Before the series starts teams are required to verify that the players on the opposing teams are the players on that team’s locked-in roster.
  • 4.3.4 Side Selections
    • The sides for game 1 are chosen by the indicated Home Team.
    • In Playoffs, the team that loses the most recent game of the series chooses their side for the next game.
    • If a team forfeits a game in their series, their opponent will have side selection for their next match in the series.
  • 4.3.5 Before game start, players must be lined up in the following order:
    • Top, Jungle, Mid, Bot, Support
    • Players are allowed to play different positions then listed on their locked-in roster only if they line up in the correct order.
  • 4.3.6 Players who play a different role or in a different lane from where they lined up may be subject to review by a SLS Admin.

4.4 Discord Use

  • 4.4.1 All players must be in their respective team Swag Life Series Discord room during the game
    • Team Captains may not be present in the room past the pick/ban phase.
    • Teams are subject to lose any games played while not in their team room.
    • It is expected that players will maintain high integrity and not communicate with unauthorized individuals beyond Discord during gameplay.

4.5 Champion Select Phase

  • 4.5.1 All picks and bans will be done with Draft LoL
    • If there are specific pick/ban restraints imposed on a team, an SLS Admin will provide the custom link to both teams.
  • 4.5.2 These picks/bans will then be duplicated exactly in the LoL Client.
  • 4.5.3 Champions can not be swapped with less than 20 seconds left before the start of the game.
  • 4.5.4 Any champion swaps made with less than 20 seconds remaining gives the opposing team to opt for a mirror remake.
    • Each team will need to reach out to a SLS Admin to set up a new lobby.
    • Both teams will be required to replicate the pick ban phase and have champion swaps completed with no less than 20 seconds left before the start of the game.
    • If a team is unable to follow this rule 2 times in a row, they will forfeit the game.

4.6 New Champions / Reworks

  • 4.6.1 New champions or recently reworked champions will not be allowed until at least two weeks from their live release.
  • 4.6.1 Some champions may not be allowed due to bugs at the discretion of SLS Admins.

4.7 Runes

  • 4.7.1 Remakes will not be allowed for choosing incorrect runes or summoner spells.

4.8 Substitutions

  • 4.8.1 Substitutes must be listed on the teams locked-in roster.
  • 4.8.2 If a sub is not listed on the teams locked-in roster, notify a SLS Admin.

4.9 Bugs

  • 4.9.1 If a known bug is abused, the team responsible may be punished at the discretion of a SLS Admin.
  • 4.9.2 If a bug occurs and affects the game, notify a SLS Admin and they will decide if the game requires a remake
    • A VOD of the bug and how it affected the game will be required as evidence.

4.10 Between Matches

  • 4.10.1 Teams are allotted a 10 minute break between each match.
  • 4.10.2 After their break, both teams are expected to be in the next lobby.

Game Rules and Regulations

5.1 Disconnections

  • 5.1.1 If a player disconnects, the game must be paused and the player is given no longer than 15 minutes to reconnect.
  • 5.1.2 Once 15 minutes have passed without a successful reconnect:
    • If the game clock is under 3 minutes and there has been no interaction between teams, the team with the disconnected player can elect to remake the game.
    • If the game clock is at or over 3 minutes, the team with the disconnected player can request a remake from the other team, play the game as a 4v5, or may forfeit the match.

5.2 Pauses

  • 5.2.1 Each team is allowed 10 minutes of pause time per game.
  • 5.2.2 If a team uses more than 10 minutes of pause time in a single game or abuses this rule, they may be penalized at the discretion of a SLS Admin.
  • 5.2.3 Pauses are not allowed during team fights or engagements.
    • Abuse of this rule can be reported to a SLS Admin. Please include a VOD and explanation of how the pause was abused.
  • 5.2.4 Both teams must state that they are ready for the game to be unpaused before resuming the game.

5.3 Finalized Results

  • 5.3.1 Upon entering a game, both teams consent that the opposing team’s roster is valid.
    • If a team’s roster is found to be invalid after the game has started, pause the game and notify a SLS Admin.
  • 5.3.2 Upon completion of a game and validation of rosters, the results are considered final.

Player Conduct

6.1 General Conduct

  • 6.1.1 All players must follow Riot Games’ Summoner’s Code.
  • 6.1.2 Explicit language in the pre-game lobby, in game, or in the post game lobby is strictly prohibited.
  • 6.1.3 Unsportsmanlike behavior may be punishable at the discretion of a SLS Admin.
  • 6.1.4 Teams and/or players may not collude for or against a team.
    • All players must play at their full potential.
  • 6.1.5 Players must only use their own account at all times.
    • Players will be removed from the current SLS split if they are found to be account sharing or smurfing.
    • If a team is caught with a player account sharing or smurfing for a second time, they will be immediately disqualified from the SLS and will lose the right to participate in future splits.

6.2 Third-Party Programs

  • 6.2.1 Only third-party programs that are approved by Riot may be used.

6.3 Exploits

  • 6.3.1 Abuse of any exploit or bug is prohibited and may be penalized at the discretion of a SLS Admin.


7.1 Format

  • 7.1.1 The Swag Life Series Playoffs will consist of the top two teams from each Group in a single elimination bracket.
  • 7.1.2 All rounds will be best of three (Bo3) except for the 3rd Place Match and Finals which will be best of five (Bo5).

7.2 Side Selection

  • 7.2.1 The higher seeded team must choose which side they will start on within 24 hours of their match or they will be defaulted to the blue side.
  • 7.2.2 For each subsequent game in the series, the losing team will get side selection.

7.3 Rescheduling Games

  • 7.3.1 Games during playoffs may not be rescheduled without written permission from a SLS Admin.
  • 7.3.2 Reschedule requests must be made at least 72 hours before the scheduled match start time.

7.4 Rosters

  • 7.4.1 Roster changes during the playoffs are not allowed.
  • 7.4.2 Upon completion of a team’s last regular season game, their roster will be locked for playoffs.
  • 7.4.3 Players will still be required to have at least 10 solo/duo ranked games played within the past 2 weeks.

Prize Money

8.1 Payments

  • 8.1.1 Payments and/or Agreements must be fully approved 7 days before the regular season starts.
  • 8.1.2 The top 3 teams within a Group will receive a percentage of the Group prize pool based on their performance within the regular season.
    • 1st Place: 50% of the Group prize pool.
    • 2nd Place: 35% of the Group prize pool.
    • 3rd Place: 15% of the Group prize pool.
  • 8.1.3 The top 3 teams within the Playoffs will receive a percentage of the playoffs prize pool.
    • 1st Place: 50% of the playoffs prize pool.
    • 2nd Place: 35% of the playoffs prize pool.
    • 3rd Place: 15% of the playoffs prize pool.
  • 8.1.4 Not all payments are refundable.
    • League Payments are non-refundable.
    • Forfeit Deposits are refundable at the end of the season if all criteria is met.

8.2 Punishments

  • 8.2.1 Earned prize money may be forfeited in certain instances.
    • If a player is caught cheating, they will be removed from their roster and their team will forfeit future 20% of winnings earned.
    • If a team forfeits more than 2* matches, they will forfeit 20% of future winnings earned and lose their forfeit deposit. *Please note: Forfeiting a playoff match count as 3 matches.
    • If a team forfeits a streamed match during playoffs, they will forfeit 60% of future winnings earned and lose their forfeit deposit.
    • In extreme circumstances a SLS Admin may forfeit a percentage of winnings earned from a team.
  • 8.2.2 Registration fee may be forfeited in certain instances.
    • If a team knowingly registers for a division with the intent to undermine the integrity of the league, they will be dropped from the league with no refund of the registration fee.


9.1 Streams

  • 9.1.1 Teams in streamed matches must be in the lobby 10 minutes prior to the match start time.
    • Penalties will begin to accrue at this time, rather than the regular start time.
  • 9.1.2 Matches that are officially streamed by the SLS may not be streamed by any other entity.
  • 9.1.3 If a team forfeits a game or series that was supposed to be officially streamed, they may not have any future matches selected to be officially streamed.
    • If the game or series is during playoffs, they may lose a portion of their playoff winnings.
  • 9.1.4 If a series is not officially streamed, organizations may stream their matches with a minimum 5 minute delay.
    • All streams must have the Swag Life Series Logo on the screen.
    • Logos must be placed in one of the four corners of the stream.
    • Logos must be at least 300x300 px.
    • Swag Life Series within the title of the stream.

9.2 Results

  • 9.2.1 While a game is being streamed, results of any kind may not be posted until officially announced within the stream.
  • 9.2.2 If the quality of the stream was lessened due to the leaking of results by an organization, penalties may be issued at the discretion of a SLS Admin.

Spirit of the Rules

10.1 Finality of Decisions

  • 10.1.1 All decisions regarding the interpretation of rules listed are solely decided by the SLS Admins.
  • 10.1.2 All rules not outlined in the rule book are up to the interpretation of a SLS Admin, who has the discretion to punish based on the severity.
  • 10.1.3 If a team breaks one of the rules for the first time, the punishment may be waived and they may be given a warning instead.

10.2 Rule Changes

  • 10.2.1 These rules may be changed at any time to ensure fair play and integrity of the leagues.
  • 10.2.2 If rules are changed during the season an announcement will be made on the official Swag Life Series Discord as well as a communication sent to Team Captains.